[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Syria and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Syria Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week`s roundup to syria@jadaliyya.com by Monday night of every week.]
Regional and International Perspectives
Hurricane Sandy Hits Little Syria: Worrying about Buildings and Brothers Todd Fine tells the story of the residents of this New York district, emphasizing the idea that “we should not save Little Syria to instrumentalize past people and affirmatively deploy them as weapons in the present.”
The Human Cost of Syria’s War Al Jazeera’s Inside Syria Programme on the help provided to refugees, with Melissa Fleming, Ruba Khoury and Sarab al-Jijakli.
Syrian Narratives
The Eyes of Homs Amal Hanano on the lives of citizen journalists like Aboud who sacrifice their lives to the revolution.
No Time to Waste Maysaloon, who senses the end might be near for the regime, says “what needs to happen now, and not when Assad falls, is frank dialogue with all - whether they are Islamists, Free Syrian Army, Jabhat al Nusra, the Kurds, whoever it may be, about core principles.”
More Agony Ahead for Syria Patrick Seale maintains that “the rebels have made significant advances but are still far from landing a decisive blow.”
Sakr Tapes: Saad Hariri in the Syrian Battlefield by Radwan Mortada
Why is it Taking so Long? Nahed Hattar says “If Damascus wants to win, it has to join the crowds in Tahrir Square. It has to define its war in terms of the Square’s stand against political Islam. It has to take a stand on much more radical positions on Arab nationalism, secularism, and social justice.”
Chairman Mao vs. President Assad: People’s War in Syria Jack Mulcaire suggests the FSA is at the second stage of what Mao had described as a three stage plan to defeat his enemy.
Les Arrestations d’Avocats s’Accelerent en Syrie Ignace Leverrier says half a dozen lawyers were arbitrarily arrested in cities around Syria this week.
Le ministère syrien des Affaires étrangères a perdu son porte-parole Ignace Leverrier on Makdisi’defection and what we can learn from it
The Price of Principle: Abd al-Majid Abushala A profile on the late Abu al-Majib Abushala by Amal Hanano
Rape is Shredding Syria’s Social Fabric Lauren Wolfe on sexual violence in Syria.
Islamic Fighters in Northern Syria not United Tareq al-Abed provides an overview of the three main types of armed groups, varying in their religious commitment, arms, discipline and popular support.
Inside Syria
Finding Bread in Aleppo Abu Leila on the economic hardships in the city as lived by its citizens.
Interview: Yassin al Haj Saleh on developments in Syria, including discussions on extremism, government support and international interference.
Three Syrian Interviews Odai al Zoubi interviews figures of the opposition with three distinct positions: Yassin Al-Haj Saleh, Bakr Sidki and Hazem Nahar.
Art and Social Media
And You’re Still Dead Razzan Ghazzawi’s poignant entry on slain activist and filmmaker Bassel Shahade.
Filmed in Beirut, Will Syrian Drama Sell? Wissam Kanaan on the growing Syrian television industry, which is now partly relocated in Beirut
Policy and Reports
How Syria Turned Off the Internet CloudFlare’s reports on the event that occurred on November 29.
Ziyad Haydar writes about the recent network blackout in Syria and the subsequent launching of the social media campaign "From … This is Syria."
الارتباكات حول الانتفاضة السورية
Salama Kayla writes about the political economy of the Syrian uprisings and highlights the reasons behind the misunderstandings about the current situation in the country.
إغاثة السوريين بين الحاجة و الادعاءات
Fayez Sarrah writes about the obstacles that prevent humanitarian aid from reaching people inside Syria and refugees in neighboring countries.
حلب إلى معركة فاصلة... وطويلة: من يسيطر على ساحتها اليوم؟
Tarek Al-Abed writes about the current situation in the Syria`s northern city of Aleppo, which has been witnessing bloody clashes between the Syrian National Army and the Free Syrian Army for four months now.
معركة حاسمة تلوح في أفق دمشق .. أم كمين؟
Mohammad Balloot writes about the recent escalations in violence around Damascus, especially after the recent clashes in the areas surrounding the airport road.
النزاع في سورية مرشح للاستمرار
Patrick Seale analyses--according to his views--the future of the struggle in Syria.
ناشطون ينتقدون تغطية القنوات الفضائية
Damascus bureau on activists` criticism of the media`s coverage of the events that have been unfolding in Syria.
الريبة الكردية في سوريا من المسلحين والمتشددين... وتركيا
Tarek Al-Abed writes about the Kurdish population in Syria and their tense relationship with some of the opposition in the country.
Ziad Majed on the importance of the internet in the daily lives of some Syrians after the revolution.
معتقلو الهلال العربي السوري لدى النظام: ذنبهم أنهم ساعدوا جميع المتضررين بلا تمييز
Yara Nseir reports about the detained volunteers of the Syrian Red Crescent and the new campaign that`s been launched to raise awareness about the important role that these volunteers play and the hardships they face.
Hayfa Al-Jundi writes about the revolutionary left.